
Heroin Kills – New Jersey

Heroin kills was founded by three recovering addicts with all together 20+ years of sobriety. We clearly understand the pain and loss for users and their families, due to this powerful and overwhelming addiction. The owners of Heroin Kills LLC personally know the anguish of addiction, and the joys of recovery. We would like all of our friends to know that this site was built on a foundation of prayer, for addicts, their loved ones, and especially for you, while you’re reading this right now. Our fervent prayer is that every and any item that Heroin Kills LLC. Sales will boldly and courageously be used to further the kingdom of God and diminish the kingdom of heroin.

Pause Ministries

PAUSE Ministries is here to help. Whether you’re coping with anger or just feel lost in life and know you can do better, we’ll help you hit the “Pause” button and take the time to reflect on God and life.